Why Do  You Need Carbs If You’re Active?

Why Do You Need Carbs If You’re Active?

Carbohydrates play a crucial role in supporting physical activity, especially for individuals who engage in regular and intense exercise. Here are several reasons why you need carbs if you're active:

1. Primary Energy Source:
Carbohydrates are the body's preferred and most efficient source of energy, especially during high-intensity exercise. When you consume carbs, they are broken down into glucose, which is then used by your muscles and other tissues for fuel.

For additional energy we recommend using Herbalife CR7

Herbalife24® CR7 Drive is an acai berry flavoured sports drink developed by experts in nutrition and international football star: Cristiano Ronaldo.

CR7 Drive is a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution that is proven to enhance the absorption of water during exercise*and help maintain endurance performance.**

2. Glycogen Stores:
Carbohydrates are stored in the body as glycogen in the muscles and liver. During exercise, especially prolonged or intense sessions, these glycogen stores are tapped into to provide a quick and readily available source of energy.

3. Optimal Performance:
Consuming an adequate amount of carbohydrates ensures that your body has enough energy to perform at its best during workouts. Insufficient carb intake may lead to fatigue, reduced endurance, and compromised performance.

For more energy it's recommend to use Herbalife24 CR7

4. Prevents Fatigue:
When your body runs low on glycogen, you may experience fatigue, weakness, and a decrease in exercise performance. Consuming carbohydrates before and during prolonged activities helps prevent these effects and allows you to sustain energy levels.

For more energy it's recommend to use Herbalife24 CR7

For intensive or extensive workouts it's recommended to use Herbalife24® Prolong. It was developed by experts in sports nutrition – it is a citrus flavoured carbohydrate-protein drink with added vitamins and minerals that is perfect to take during intensive or extensive workouts.

5. Enhances Endurance:
For endurance athletes, a diet rich in carbohydrates is crucial. Carbs provide the necessary fuel to sustain prolonged activities such as running, cycling, or swimming, helping athletes maintain stamina and endurance.

6. Supports Recovery:
After a workout, especially one that depletes glycogen stores, consuming carbohydrates helps replenish glycogen levels in the muscles. This promotes faster recovery and prepares the body for the next exercise session.

For recovery use Herbalife24 Rebuild

7. Preserves Muscle Mass:
Carbohydrates spare protein from being used as an energy source. When you consume enough carbs, your body is less likely to break down muscle tissue for fuel, preserving muscle mass.

For recovery use Herbalife24 Rebuild

8. Brain Function:
The brain relies on glucose as its primary source of energy. Consuming an adequate amount of carbohydrates ensures that your brain functions optimally, helping you stay focused and alert during physical activities.

Use Active Mind Complex 

9. Hormonal Regulation:
Carbohydrates play a role in regulating insulin, a hormone that helps transport glucose into cells for energy. Proper insulin function is essential for maintaining stable blood sugar levels, which is crucial for sustained energy during exercise.

10. Performance and Power:
High-intensity activities, such as weightlifting and sprinting, heavily rely on the quick energy provided by carbohydrates. Consuming carbs before such activities can enhance power and performance.

11. Electrolyte Balance:
Many carbohydrate-containing foods also provide essential electrolytes like potassium and sodium, which are important for maintaining hydration and proper muscle function during exercise.

User Herbalife24 HydrateH24 Hydrate is a calorie free electrolyte drink designed to encourage fluid consumption.

While carbohydrates are essential, the type and timing of consumption can vary based on individual needs, activity levels, and goals. It's important to choose complex carbohydrates from sources like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes for sustained energy and overall health. If you have specific dietary concerns or goals, consider consulting with a registered dietitian or nutrition professional for personalized advice.

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