10 days FIT Sprint

The 10 Day FIT Sprint / Marathon is fun and easy way to get yourself into action while losing weight and getting fit..

By joining 10 Day FIT Sprint you will become part of the team and compete together against the other team members over a 10 day period.

The team includes up to 8 participants and a coach (we will be the coach).

Each day you'll share your progress and get amazing support and information to help you towards your personal goal.

Whilst you probably won't complete your entire weight loss journey in 10 days, you definitely make progress and keep motivated to go again.

At the start you'll get a plan to follow for each of the 10 days, you'll get nutrition information, wellness tips, exercise videos, explanation on how our products work and where they fit best in your journey plus plenty of motivation and support from your us.

At the end of 10 days there's allows an online Online Zoom call where all the team come together to celebrate the results and announce the winner.

Here are some results from our 10 Days Fit Sprints

The race takes place on Facebook close group so you'll need to download the app or sign in online.  You can message us for more details by at support@nutrition4us.com or send us WhatsApp Message.

We look forward to helping you achieve better results than before.